Spello International Short Film Festival

 Short Film Festival

Da 5 anni il Festival del Cinema di Spello c'è una nuova sezione dedicata ai cortometraggi, realizzati da professionisti di tutto il mondo.

La caratteristica del festival è quella di premiare i migliori professionisti che lavorano dietro le quinte di un film.

La giuria deciderà i vincitori valutando nel complesso le varie professioni che hanno partecipato, in particolare: sceneggiatura, costumi, scenografia, trucco, suono e musica.

Il concorso internazionale è aperto a cortometraggi di qualsiasi genere.

La nuova edizione sarà dall'10 al 19 marzo 2023.

I cortometraggi finalisti saranno proiettati in 10 giorni dal vivo con la serata finale di premiazione durante la quale saranno consegnati i premi ai vincitori.

La registrazione per partecipare al concorso deve essere effettuata sul sito dedicato: https://filmfreeway.com/SPELLOISFF

Per partecipare dei compilare il seguente modulo entry-form-Spello-International-Short-Film-Festival.pdf

FilmFreeWay SpelloInternationalShortFilmFestival



The Spello International Short Film Festival is open to non-commercial, film school students and commercial productions.
Entries are not to exceed 30 minutes duration.
Only one production may be registered on each Entry Form. disc must contain only one entry. Productions may also be submitted by uploading on Vimeo or We Transfer including download link and password if available.
Productions entered in previous Golden Knight Festivals are not eligible to participate.
Each production must be registered on the appropriate entry form (or copy) which must be sent to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
The Organizers solely recognize as the entrant the signatory of the Entry Form.
It is suggested that ‘Tones’ and ‘Colour Bars’ are included.
The productions, together with their copyright, remain the property of the producers. The Organizers, however, reserve the right to exhibit the entry to the public for publicity purposes of the Festival and to make copies for the archives.
Copyright clearance is the responsibility of the Entrant.
The Organizers will appoint a panel of judges whose decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
All entries they must be accompanied by the film’s downloadable files on vimeo or other platform and the payment of the registration fee of filmfreeway will be handled with extreme care however, the Organizers will not accept any liability for the loss of or damage to the films/dvd’s etc.
The decision of the Organizers, as to the interpretation of these rules, is final.
Closing Dates: Entry Forms, and dvd’s are to reach the Festival Secretary by not later than 10th. February, 2021.

For each single short film submitted it is compulsory:

– Proceed to the purchase of the “Registration Fee” on the fimfreeway site by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the page
– Pay the membership fee via Paypal (or credit card).
– Wait for the confirmation email from the automatic enrollment system.

By enrolling to the contest, each author declares himself/ herself responsible for the content of his/her work. Registration must be carried out online on the dedicated site and page. In case of failure to comply with these conditions the candidate will be excluded from the event. All entries that comply with the current regulation will be screened by the organising commission, who, with unquestionable judgement, will select those admitted to the contest and presented to the award assigning jury.

The submitted material will not be returned, and will go and form an archive, possibly being re-used in other events, even as clips, for non-commercial use.

The selection of the admitted short films and the corresponding screening days will be communicated by time through filmfreeway so to allow the authors to be present at the screening and/or, eventually, at the awards ceremony. The Jury, made up of journalists and cinema professionals, will assign the awards and, eventually, the special mentions.
Personal data (L. 675/96) will be processed exclusively for the Festival’s purposes.

The application for enrollment implies full acceptance of the current regulation. Anything not expressly mentioned is governed by the Italian Civil Code laws in force.